Are you struggling to crack the safe combinations and codes in The Last of Us 2? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the importance of safe combinations and codes in the game, where to find them, and how they work.
We will also discuss the rewards for opening safes and reveal some common combinations and codes you may encounter. So grab your gear and get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within The Last of Us 2!
What Are Safe Combinations and Codes in The Last of Us 2?
Safe combinations and codes in The Last of Us 2 are numerical sequences or alphanumeric strings that provide access to secured safes, offering valuable rewards and resources to the players.
These combinations and codes play a vital role in the gameplay, adding an element of challenge and strategy to the narrative. They are often found in notes, environmental clues, or even through conversations with NPCs, making exploration and attention to detail crucial for unlocking these hidden treasures.
For instance, in Downtown Seattle, players encounter a safe inside a building where the code can be found in a note that references the birthdays of loved ones. Cracking this code not only reveals precious supplies but also adds depth to the storytelling, making the discovery a memorable experience.
Guide to Unlocking Safes and Doors in The Last of Us 2
In The Last of Us 2, uncovering the combinations to the various safes and locked doors you encounter is essential for progression. The game features a total of 15 such puzzles. While you can discover hints within the game to solve these, we’re here to streamline the process for you. Below, you’ll find a comprehensive list of all the safe codes and combinations in The Last of Us 2:
- Market safe: 07-20-13 (contains scrap and supplements)
- Courthouse: 86-07-22 (contains scrap and supplements)
- Westlake Bank: 60-23-06 (contains a pump shotgun)
- Gate West 2: 0451 (contains scrap, supplements, a health pack, and a trading card)
- Thrift store: 55-01-33 (contains ammo and a health pack)
- Tunnels door: 15243 (contains ammo, crafting supplies, and supplements)
- Hillcrest garage: 30-82-65 (contains ammo, crafting supplies, scrap, and a short gun holster)
- Apartment bedroom on route 5: 10-08-83 (contains ammo and supplements)
- Weston’s pharmacy: 38-55-23 (contains ammo, crafting supplies, an explosive arrow, a health kit, and supplements)
- Flooded city near the inoperable gate: 70-12-64 (contains ammo, crafting supplies, scrap, and supplements)
- Big win gun safe: 17-38-07 (contains ammo and a hunting pistol)
- Jasmine bakery: 68-96-89 (contains ammo, crafting supplies, a health bar, and supplements)
- Boat: 90-77-01 (contains an ammo training manual, scrap, and supplements)
- Apartment 302: 30-23-04 (contains ammo, crafting supplies, and scrap)
- Gym: 12-18-79 (contains crafting supplies and supplements)
In “The Last of Us 2,” players are often tasked with the challenge of unlocking safes to discover valuable resources and items that are crucial for survival in the game’s relentless post-apocalyptic world. Understanding the safe combinations and codes is essential for accessing these caches of supplies. For gamers looking to enhance their experience and strategy in navigating the game’s pivotal “No Return” section, our guide, The Last of Us 2: No Return Tips, offers a wealth of information and strategies to tackle the challenges and maximize your chances of survival, providing an in-depth companion to the essential knowledge of safe codes and combinations.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are safe combinations and codes in The Last Of Us 2?
Safe combinations and codes are a type of puzzle found throughout the game that players must solve in order to open locked safes and access valuable items and resources.
How do I find safe combinations and codes in The Last Of Us 2?
Safe combinations and codes can be found by exploring the game world, completing puzzles, and interacting with characters. They can also be found in notes, documents, or through eavesdropping on NPC conversations.
Do safe combinations and codes change in The Last Of Us 2?
No, the safe combinations and codes remain the same throughout the game. Once you have found a safe and its combination, it will not change if you restart the game or load a previous save.
What happens if I enter the wrong safe combination or code in The Last Of Us 2?
If you enter the wrong combination or code, the safe will not open and you will have to try again. Some safes may have a limited number of attempts before they are permanently locked, so be careful!
Are there any consequences for not opening a safe in The Last Of Us 2?
No, there are no negative consequences for not opening a safe in the game. However, you will miss out on valuable items and resources that could help you in your journey.
Do I need to open every safe in The Last Of Us 2?
No, opening every safe is not necessary to complete the game. However, it can be helpful to have access to the items and resources inside for better gameplay and survival.

Discover the gaming world through the eyes of Ana Luíza, the dynamic force behind From a casual player to a respected author and redactor, Ana’s journey is a testament to her passion. Her writings transcend ordinary guides, offering deep insights and connecting every type of gamer with the essence of virtual adventures.