It has been a while since enthusiasts of the iconic collaboration between Square Enix and Disney, Kingdom Hearts, received updates on the fourth installment of the series. Revealed during the 20th-anniversary celebrations of the series in April 2022, Kingdom Hearts 4 has since receded into the shadows, with attention diverting to the mobile game Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link. As Missing-Link progressed through its beta testing phase earlier this year, its official release is anticipated to occur sometime in 2024. Interestingly, Kingdom Hearts 4 is expected to feature some of the same characters as Missing-Link, providing a glimmer of excitement for fans of the mainline series.
The possibility of Kingdom Hearts 4 making its debut in 2024 remains uncertain, especially given the departure from traditional release patterns for the Kingdom Hearts series. Over the last decade, Square Enix’s major titles have earned a reputation for vanishing for extended periods following their initial announcement, with Kingdom Hearts 3 being a prime example. With no other Kingdom Hearts projects announced or rumored to precede it, Missing-Link and Kingdom Hearts 4 represent the current horizon of anticipation for the fanbase. However, should the development of Kingdom Hearts 4 proceed without significant delays, the title could potentially make a significant impact beyond merely reemerging in 2024.
Kingdom Hearts 4’s Awaited Return: A 2024 Prospect?
Speculating on the 2024 release for Kingdom Hearts 4 might seem ambitious, yet signs suggest it’s within the realm of possibility. Insights from 2020 have hinted that the groundwork for KH4 had been laid by then. Considering the transition Kingdom Hearts 3 made from Square Enix’s Luminous Engine to Unreal Engine 4, and KH4’s subsequent transition to Unreal Engine 5, starting in late 2020 suggests a potential readiness by Winter 2024. This timeline acknowledges the expansive scale of the game, while also considering the development challenges posed by the pandemic and the intricate collaboration required with Disney. However, barring significant hurdles, a 2025 debut appears achievable. With this timeframe in mind, the Kingdom Hearts community might expect to receive more updates on Kingdom Hearts 4 as 2024 progresses.
Kingdom Hearts 4: Amplifying Its Comeback
Anticipation for Kingdom Hearts 4 is set to crescendo in 2024, potentially starting with an April State of Play reveal, though a June unveiling at the Summer Game Fest kickoff seems more probable. Square Enix’s strategy of ramping up marketing closer to launch suggests that once Kingdom Hearts 4 is ready to be showcased, a steady stream of announcements and trailers will follow until its release. Key gaming events like Gamescom, Tokyo Game Show, and possibly a PlayStation Showcase, along with The Game Awards and various smaller conventions, are all prime venues for KH4 trailers, exclusive previews, and hands-on demos.
Projecting a release in the first quarter of 2025, Kingdom Hearts 4’s promotional campaign is expected to mirror that of Kingdom Hearts 3 and the Final Fantasy 7 Remake series, with their similar timelines and pre-launch activities. This means fans can look forward to an abundance of gameplay reveals, new world introductions, and narrative teasers accompanying each trailer. An early announcement of the launch window, along with potential showcases of Marvel or Star Wars worlds, could be highlight features of earlier promotions. Provided Kingdom Hearts 4 avoids the pre-launch pitfalls of Kingdom Hearts 3, 2024 promises to be a thrilling year for fans eagerly awaiting its arrival.
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